Year in Review


As we look towards the next 12 months, we know that there is still a lot of work that needs to be done but we also believe that the tide is starting to turn. More Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people want to be involved; they want access to opportunities and resources to determine their own future and as we prepare for the rise in talented, capable young people we must continue to evolve.

Our 2018–19 Corporate Plan sets out our organisational priorities for the next 12 months.


IBA will continuously strive to improve our customers end-to-end experience. Over the next 12 months we will:


Lend $220m to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people into home ownership.

Support 4.5% of existing home loan customers to transition to a mainstream lender.

Design a long-term funding model that allows IBA to support more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people into stable and secure housing.


Support over 1000 customers to start or grow their businesses with access to business support and capability development.

Support our business customers to maintain a business survival rate that meets or exceeds the Australian average.

Provide $40m in financing solutions to our customers.


Deliver strong financial returns to IBA’s co-investors of CPI+4.0%.

Achieve 40% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment across the IBA platform.

Procure $4.5 million in goods and services from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses across the IBA group.

Design and deliver a customer network to enhance connections to economic opportunities.
Design and deliver a Social Impact Tool to better measure our impact for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.

As we begin to bring our new strategic vision to life, over the next 12 months IBA will ask the following questions as we review our products, policies and processes.

Do our products meet our customers’ needs?
Is our customers’ experience positive and consistent?
Are we making the best use of money available?
Do we know what the social impact of our customer’s journey is?
Are our people skilled to help our customers achieve their goals?

Enhance IBA’s digital platform to improve customer experience.
Streamline policies and processes across the organisation to improve our customers’ experience.
Grow IBA’s policy and thought leadership presence locally and globally by sharing our customers’ success.